로그인 회원가입

in force

"in force" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 응용할 수 있는


  • Good citizens of Cheesebridge, the curfew is in force.
    치즈브릿지 마을 주민 여러분 지금은 통행금지 시간입니다
  • Your move in forcing the jail was reckless and unlawful.
    감옥에서 네가 한 짓은 무모하고 불법적이었어
  • It's an RIF mission. "Reconnaissance in force."
    무정임무라는 거야 무력으로 정찰하는 거지
  • ~ The constables are out in force.
    / 치안관이 쫙 깔렸어
  • The rabble are out in force tonight!
    오늘밤에 폭도들이 대거 몰려들었어요
  • Well, CMP's out in force. Maybe we'll get our power back. I know.
    전선 고치느라 난린데 곧 전기가 들어올까?
  • They're out in force tonight.
    오늘밤엔 숲 속에 있구나
  • The military were out in force.
    군인들이 대거 출동했구요.
  • We'll go back up there in force as soon as they get here.
    병력 도착하는대로 함께 갈거고
  • Because Velociraptor's a pack hunter. He uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out in force today.
    '렙터' 는 무리를 지어 사냥하거든 이놈들은 조직적으로 움직일 때...
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)"
    유의어: effective, good, in effect,

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